fun gingham apron

Hello fellow apronistas! Sorry it has been so long since I have been able to post. A huge thank you goes out to all of the wonderful ladies who have been donating aprons for our holiday giveaways. Some of them are so wonderful I want to create a fake blog ID just to register myself to win. Just kidding of course! (OK, well maybe not!)

Those of you who are fans of vintage holiday aprons are in luck today! This past weekend I was able to get some of my Christmas decorations out. And tucked in with the lights and snowglobes are my holiday aprons. I thought I would share just a few of them with you. And yes, there are just my faves, there are even more…many more.

holiday ornament apron

Red and white gingham is always fun for the holidays and very practical. But this 50’s cotton apron with the ornaments across the bottom is my all time favorite apron to wear while doing my holiday baking.

candy cane apron

But this candy cane inspired apron is a close second favorite.

fancy pants christmas apron

I have one fancy schmancy Christmas apron in the collection. I hardly ever wear it…ever. It just isn’t practical enough for my taste. But my husband seems to have an affinity for his wife in fancy aprons…so maybe I’ll keep this one around just for him. (wink)

sleigh apron

Hope everyone is all decorated and ready to start making those holiday baked goods. If not, get those aprons on already ladies and get to work! And don’t forget to take a photo or two of your holiday aprons to share on the Apronista flickr group.

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