…barely. I am slowly coming out of my Nyquil-induced coma, but still have a good case of the yuckies. I will be so glad when this school year is over – and you can bet I am stocking up on pro-biotics before the next year starts.

I got nothin’ for you today, but over at the Apronista, it’s an apron-fest of posts, givewaways, and features – I am heading back to bed to snuggle with my little dood, and resting up for my bloggy get-together this week to go see Jen Lancaster. It just wouldn’t do to cough up a lung all over my izods and madras, would it?

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  1. I finally tracked down your blog. Sorry to hear you are sick. I think whatever you have is going around the blogosphere. Can people spread cooties over the internet? I hope not.

    I hope you start feeling better.

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