…so little time.

…so little energy.

…so much to do.

I have about 50 posts in my head, and can remember about 7, no wait, 5, ok, maybe 3.

We had a visit from the flu fairy last week. Not sure if it was the porcine variety,frog humidifier but it wasn’t very severe either – just one long, dragged out low grade fever fest. But I did discover one of my new favorite things – this adorable little froggy humidifier. Isn’t he cute? Not only did he help my little guys breathe better at night, but it helps my sinuses during the day.

I will have some new designs to share with you here in the next week or two – being sick has put me so behind I have barely had time to begin November projects. So if you are waiting to hear from me, I haven’t forgotten you, just trying to clear my plate so I can give you all of my attention.

Ooh! Next week I will have new recipes, pictures of my shmancy mantel, a giveaway (or 2!) and my new exciting blogging adventure! In the meantime, check out this HILARIOUS video I shared last week on the Apronista – can you believe they had toys like this 50 years ago?

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