Well, it’s over now – yearbooks signed (who knew you needed year books in first grade?), gifts handed out (school secretaries are the best!), and backpacks emptied of 489 pounds of paper. Oh, and the person that decided the last week of school should be ALL half days? Thanks for making this week one of the most disjointed in history.
I decided to take a semi-retirement from design this summer, so I could take care of my oh so neglected house, and more importantly to enjoy my last summer with my boys before they are BOTH in school (wah!!) . I am actually looking forward to spending lots of time at the library, the park, and in the backyard. We are getting a little pool, shmancy new beach towels and lots of popsicles…do you need anything else?
I am going to try something different this summer, and I hope it will get my blogging mojo revved up again – I won’t promise anything, cause you know how that works…
PS – I PROMISE I will post about THE cutest pillow in the world soon – how can I not???