It’s been an interesting 10 days since my last post. We have still been struggling with the winter yuck here…I have the yuck now, but it’s on its way out, thank goodness. The little dood ended up being treated for reflux, which he had in the NICU. Medication has ended the vomiting, but he still has a bit of a cough-this cold/flu has really seemed to linger with everyone this year… I have been finishing up a couple of projects and decided to go fabric shopping for some new inspiration. I found the cutest fabrics, which will become aprons, headbands and headwraps, ipod and phone pouches, and maybe a bag or two. I am so bad at taking pictures of stuff when I finish it, but that is on my “To-do” list for the new year…here is a peek-

Also on my to-do list is to paint the spare room/breezeway/craft room/computer room. I have yet to convince my husband of the virtues of actually putting COLOR on a wall, but he is slowly coming around…I figure if I come at him first with something like bright pink, he will certainly let me paint the room the nice color I actually want…right?


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