…not only did he LIKE school, he LOVES it. He has had his first run-in with a (wanna-be) bully, his first gold star (for making a new friend), and now has a girlfriend (said new friend of the gold star). Now he is ready to take the bus. So instead of getting dressed, and made up, and (semi) conscious to make the 5 minute drive to school, I can now get (semi) dressed, maybe made-up(does lipgloss and sunglasses count?), and (barely) conscious to walk the 15 feet from our door to the bus stop. With coffee in hand. And Bunny Slippers. Ok, I don’t have bunny slippers, but definitely the coffee.

Exciting news! Blissfully Domestic is getting ready to relaunch, and you are looking at the Creative Editor for the page! I have a bunch of talented creative ladies posting for us, and I can’t wait to see the brilliance they come up with! We can always use more crafty minds though, so if you are good with tutorials, links, or just love making stuff, drop me a line and I will get you set up! I will be posting links to all my great contributors once we get a bit closer to the relaunch – you will find some amazing women!

I was planning on updating you a bit on my “A little Less Chicky” project, but since this weekend involved a lot of our favorite people coming over and bringing tons of yummy appetizers, macaroni salad, cream puffs, cookies and 3 (no really, 3!) homemade pies – FRESH peach, banana cream, and apple. So let’s just say that my points and I were not very well acquainted this weekend. Maybe later this week – lol

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  1. Congrats on the new site! Sounds like fun.

    And I’m so glad to hear your boy has adjusted to school. I was thinking about you this week, wondering how you BOTH were faring. I’ve got another week before I send mine off to 1st grade. Ugh.

  2. The nerve of that child, being all positive an content with Kindergarten! Does he not stop to think about how Mama might feel? Harumpf. Really though, that’s great! You’ve obviously raised a confident boy who can meet the challenge of making friends and warding off bullies. Congrats to you!

    Wish I could help with the crafties. That used to be me, but not anymore. Wonder what happened?

  3. Yay for a smooth transition to Kinder! My oldest started on the 15th and it was heart and gut wrenching but him loving it made it easier for me.
    Oh and he’s so over riding the bus. He rode it on a field trip and he got it out of his system. I’ve asked him if he wants to ride the bus one day and he said no.

    mmmm…peach pie.

  4. Congratulations on your editor position! How cool! 🙂 I suspect you are all set for contributors, but if not, I would be interested.

    (I’m also writing for the food section of Blissfully Domestic, so I know that things are pretty crazy right now with the launch, etc.)

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