I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year’s Eve. Mine was nice and quiet-thankfully. I am really excited about all manner of goodness to come in 2008, and I hope to reveal more as it comes. 2007 was great in so many ways…I met so many new bloggers, and made all kinds of friends, and I can’t wait to see what they will do in the New Year!

I’m not big on resolutions, but I am going to attempt a biggie here. I am going to try to post every day, but with a bit of a twist. My resolution in 2008 is: CREATE EVERY DAY. Whether it be artsy-fartsy crafty stuff, or a really good batch of white chocolate chip cookies, or a new game to play with my guys – my challenge to myself is to create something every day. I got a lot done these past couple of weeks to make my crafting/sewing area more user-friendly. My next step will be to make it pretty as well, and I will be sure to post before and afters. I am curently leaning towards a bright warm yellow, with lots of white, then black and red accents.cr15361007.jpg

I am making a personal resolution as well, and it may seem silly at the outset, but stick with me. My personal resolution is to “Paint my Toenails”. Sounds silly, right? Well, since I had my boys, as i am sure many moms will attest to, I forgot all the little things that made me feel girly…pedicures, having my hair done, facials, foofy soaps, etc…so “Paint your toenails” to me just means taking that extra few minutes a couple times a week to foof myself a bit. Even if it just means pretty toes…

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  1. I think it’s so for all moms, we spend so much time tending to the family we forget our little selves. I try to set aside a couple days each week for a little primping and the toes are by far the most fun! 🙂

  2. I love the pretty toes idea as a resolution. It’s attainable, and I bet it will make you feel good to be girly again (sez I, gazing upon my October-trip-to-Miami pedicure).

  3. Painting your toenails when you have little ones is a big thing. As you get older, you treasure those little things that you didn’t get to do. I love your blog. I love your resolutions. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Such a good idea to create something every day! Looking forward to see all the wonderful things you come up with! Oooh…And looking forward to pics of your before/after crafty space too! Happy New Year!

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